• There are countless tests out there designed to give you deep insights into your internal landscape. Testing is great, we are able to decipher some of the most difficult situations in order to help people find their true potential. But often, tests reveal specific knowledge that the average client does not know how to interpret, let alone put in to action.

    Our expertise is in reading and explaining test results so that our clients understand how and what to do in order to move metrics towards a more vital and functional health.

    Alqemis uses an advanced and holistic approach to human performance. We not only help you decide what test would be best, but we do the hard work of interpreting the data so that you have immediate changes you can make to improve these metrics. Each service starts with a personalized diagnostic analysis and consultation. We do not intervene until we understand what may be causing the issues or a clear picture of who you are as an individual. We start our process with functional testing that best identifies abnormalities in your system. Combined with our in-depth intake process and exhaustive team analysis by experts, we then look for the most practical ways to make changes, and then we follow up to ensure what we recommend worked. (Side note: we do not sell supplements or services that could influence our recommendations or compromise our practice).

    Please fill out the form below if you are interested in testing, and want to know what test offers you the most information.

  • Each one of our functional tests includes an in-depth clinical correlation and consultation. We take the time to explain the results so you can put your test results to work and get the performance you are looking for.

    We also offer monthly coaching to handle all of the thought and consideration of implementation. You will get access to our training app, which hosts some of the most advanced tools in training nutrition and state change. You will also have access to our entire team of experts 24/7.

  • Prima Materia is our premier service. If you are interested in peak performance and output, this service is for you. Please see below for more information

Our Tests

Dutch + Test and Consultation

The DUTCH Plus test is a urine and saliva test that measures the production, metabolism, and function of sex and adrenal hormones. It also assesses organic acids. The test can help identify hormonal imbalances, adrenal dysfunction, and other factors that may contribute to issues like fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, and reproductive health problems.

It offers an evaluation of the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) by measuring salivary cortisol upon waking and then again 30 and 60 minutes later (additional measurements are made around dinner and bedtime). Research has shown that this post-waking increase in cortisol (the CAR) is the best way to assess an individual’s stress response and HPA-axis function.

Gastro Intestinal Map + Consultation

A GI-MAP test, or Comprehensive Stool Analysis, is a non-invasive test that evaluates the health of your gut by analyzing a stool sample for microorganisms. The test uses quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology to measure the DNA of gastrointestinal microbiota. It can provide information about:

  • Digestive system function: Including nutrient absorption, gut inflammation, and leaky gut

  • Gut pathogens: Including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and yeast overgrowth

  • Immune function: Including stress response related to the gut

  • Other health markers: Including antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors 

Food Allergen Test + Consultation

A food allergy functional test measures the immune system's response to specific foods by measuring the levels of allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies produced when exposed to test samples. These tests can be performed using blood or skin samples:

  • Blood tests
    A blood sample is taken in a medical professional's office and sent to a laboratory for testing. The test can be performed for whole foods or individual allergens.

Our coaching

  • Our coaching for physical development is completely bespoke to your personal needs. It is the same service that we offer for high end motion picture projects and professional athletes. We specialize in not only achieving aesthetic and athletic metrics, but in linking the development and training aspects to life long pursuits that can help keep you fit for life.

    This service is month to month, or we offer a rate discount for up front for 6 and 12-month services.

  • It would be impossible to have a well lived and long life without enjoying food, but it is vital to know what foods are good for you as an individual. This coaching service is not your run-of-the-mill macros diet, or some extreme deprivation plan that is unsustainable. We work side-by-side to figure out food selection, nutrient timing, food for high performance, food for recovery, meal planning, cooking instruction, recipe design, how to eat out, how to eat while traveling abroad, and how to eat when your friends or family eats differently.

    Our service is month to month and includes access to our mobile app.

events & Partnerships

  • We have optimize high-level corporate teams, and it has fundamentally changed the business landscape. There isn't a tech start-up, financial institution, or entrepreneur that wouldn't benefit from increasing their performance. We have had exponential growth by reducing sick days, increasing cognitive load by improving sleep performance by an average of 45% and recoverability by a staggering 25% and this only on the individual level! We also integrate our methodology into team dynamics. By functional testing, coaching individuals to not only tolerate high pressure demands of work, but to thrive doing them, we are able to pinpoint constraints in a business.

    Healthcare costs for corporations in 2024 for was a mind blowing $14,900 USD per employee, with an expected 9% in crease in 2025. The current model for health is broken, and we know how to fix it.

    If you are part of a high pressure industry, or part of a team that has unusually high burnout rates and you want to increase the profitability of your company by improving the performance of your team, send us a message today to find out how Alqemis can help.