“Why don’t I feel good?”

It is a question that many are asking. We have more advanced technology, access to clean water and abundant food sources, yet life expectancy is on the decline, and our quality of life is suffering. The modern experience—the most common one—is disease (DIS-EASE). Average health is so poor that deficiency is the new normal. Fatigue, sluggishness, lack of motivation proliferate. Our society teaches us to soothe our discomfort, pacify the internal alarm by distracting ourselves, or worse we are told to accept not feeling our best. But the failure of this approach is evident everywhere. Many of us don’t want to waste away in a cubicle or recliner. Some of us want to reach higher…

What could you do if you felt better?

Who could you become if you felt good?

At Alqemis, health is a performance metric. We analyze your unique internal landscape with state of the art in-depth diagnostic functional tests. We combine this with a series of metrics and markers to recognize and move the patterns responsible for keeping us vibrant and lively. 

We use five distinct categories and decades of experience to ensure that the shifts you make become new behavioral patterns. This is not some fad diet, or short term intervention, this is taking your health and your performance back into your own hands through the most advanced testing and coaching available. Alqemis guides you back to a healthy foundation then amplifies your performance by showing you how to dial in the 5 critical categories to well-being.

what we’ve done

who we’ve done it for